
Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Mom and My Life as a Senior

My Mom emailed yesterday to say that she has booked her flights for a visit in October. Looking forward to that! I booked vacation time for the week that she is here. As well, I think I am making some head-way in convincing my Sweetie to come, at least for a visit. I think he's coming 'round, not sure ... but I think! (fingers are crossed!)

My job in Dubai has been quite interesting; hard to believe its been almost 4 months.

In the last few weeks:
I have taken training on a new 3D BIM software called Revit and was asked to evaluate it compared to our old 2D AutoCAD.

Today I sat in on a meeting to evaluate another BIM software that is being proposed.

I was consulted on the new/revised company CADD standards.

I have attended several meetings that were conducted in Arabic (with a little bit of English thrown in for my benefit).

I was recommended to job-captain one of the biggest projects in the office right now (which was very scary to me ... its a HUGE one!) and I am managing 2 other projects that are fairly big by my standards but small and medium-sized in Dubai.

On Tuesday I will be doing a presentation/workshop on the 5-tower project we issued last week to defend our design concept.

It is with some trepidation that I call myself an "Architect" and a "Senior" in the department (which refers to my work experience, not my age!) but my years of experience as a Technologist have done me well so far. Being a few rungs up from where I was not long ago is a little bit foreign at times and it seems that others have more confidence in me than I have in myself. One of the reasons I came was to get work experience that I didn't think I would get in Canada and on that, I have not been disappointed!

P.S. anyone else who thinks they might like to visit Dubai, consider yourself invited! :-) although not sure how much vacation time I have left.

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