
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Decrepit old lady or rock the bike?

New month, new challenge: all 'frivolous' screen time is done on my stationary bike or yoga mat or the bowflex.

The back story:  I wasted an entire day yesterday laying in bed and binge watching the TV series Fringe.  I watched all of season 1 and started on season 2.  I'm not super proud of this but its what I did.  Although I enjoyed the show, it was not worth 16+ hours of my life that I won't get back.  And I'm loathe to admit that Facebook is another big drain on my time for no good reason.  All total, I have squandered quite a bit of time on doing things that are just not that great.

I also saw my chiropractor for the first time in a long while; I have a pesky, recurring SI joint issue that rears its ugly head from time to time; its not serious but it lets me know when its time to go for an adjustment.  Since it has been over a year since I was last there, I was required to re-do the Chiropractor's diagnostic scans.  Side note: I will write more about these scans and what they supposedly do once I have done more research to fully understand them and decide if I truly buy it.  For now, I can say for certain that I go into my appointments a grumpy pants and come out feeling like a million bucks.  So for now, that's good enough!  My Chiropractor said that my scans did not look fantastic which is somewhat reflective of how I have been feeling lately. She listed a few things she suspects I may be experiencing and she pretty much nailed it.  In a word: inflammation.  My body is telling me … loudly now … that I need to pay attention.

As much as I want to be the woman on the left,  I fear that I might actually be the one on the right, stooped over with walking canes and a grumpy attitude.  I have spurts of inspiration and motivation in the physical fitness department (well, in many departments actually) but somehow I never really change.

I got the idea for this challenge from this website that I follow.  She created a treadmill desk … basically just a treadmill under her desk and she walks as she works.  Brilliant!  I adapted the idea to my stationary bike (because I already have that, I do not already have a treadmill) and my nemesis lately is mindless scrolling … although I will look for ways to make this conducive to working as well.  I dunno if this idea is going to stick but today I already did one episode of "Forensic Files" on YouTube … so about 20 minutes.

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