
Friday, February 13, 2009


The last 2 weeks have been nothing short of insane at work. The two projects that I have always seem to collide, both needing a monumental, full-time effort to keep them on track. None the less, I had my head down, nose to the grindstone, slogging my way through towards the faint and distant light at the end of the tunnel. But then office politics blew up in my face and I felt defeated. I am too naive to play that game. I was ready to give up but my boss wouldn't let me; as any good manager needs to do from time to time, he read me the riot act (in a nice way but the message was clear), gave me a kick in the pants and slowly, painfully, kicking and screaming, dragged me out of my funk.

It is now the weekend, the most immediate fires are out and I am having a guilt-free, relaxing Friday off. My chirporactor (a Muslim) does not work on Fridays so I decided a massage would be the next best thing. I had a 1 hour session at Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat. Not the cheapest place around, 1 hour cost 199Dhs ($67CDN) but ... WOW! ... it was worth every penny (or fil)! I had knots and kinks and aches up and down my neck and spine that I didn't even know were there! But I walked out feeling a million times better. Once I see my chiropractor tomorrow, I will be good as new and ready to take on the world once more.

According to the Dragonfly "service menu", they offer some other services that struck me as curious. Perhaps my naivity extends to the realm of spa treatments as well:

Full face waxing for women (includes forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, upper lip and chin): 60 Dhs ($20CDN) ... do people actually wax their forehead??? I guess some people have not evolved beyond the apes as much as others and may need this service, I dunno.

Buttocks waxing (for women): 40Dhs ($13CDN) ... are there a lot of women out there who need to wax their ass? (incidentally men's buttocks waxing costs the same, hardly seems fair!)

Brazilian wax: 75Dhs ($25CDN) ... no mention if general anesthetic is included.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Only $13 for a butt waxing?! If only I had known!!