I finally feel like things are starting to come back down to 'normal'. I have lots of things on my "to-do" list but none are pressingly urgent. I feel like I can take a bit of a step back and enjoy everything.
Some random pictures ...
The new digs. Note the tree branch stuck up in the soffit just to the right of the satellite dish. The house movers backed it into a big-ass tree while removing from the other place (grrr!) Not good for the house or the tree! There were a few annoyances and tense moments during the move but in the end it got moved and as time goes by, I'm more and more happy with the decision. Skirting is pretty high up on the aforementioned "to-do" list. |
Lilly and Diesel having a lazy Saturday afternoon nap on the small couch. |
A crazy thunderstorm went through here last week and produced the most perfect and complete rainbow I have seen in a very long time (if ever)! It was amazing. One of those moments when I wished I had a real camera but I doubt even that would have captured it. A sign from the powers that be that everything is going to be alright. |
This guy snoozing, snoring and snorting in his sleep. Was very cute. |
My big guys enjoying their supper. The pasture has not had any grass to speak of since spring so twice a day they get a bit of a supplement and they clean up every last morsel ... which is a good thing because there is not an abundance of hay this year, no room for waste! |
Kitty all snuggled into the bedding on laundry day. |
I'm starting to exhale a bit lately too! I love that pic of kitty in bed :)
Beautiful photos. Merry Christmas. :)
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