
Monday, October 12, 2009

Where do you go when you can't go home?

I was in a meeting with my boss and a colleague this afternoon when my boss's phone rang. So far a pretty mundane story right? The call was from a "964" number which, as it turns out is the country code for Iraq. A colleague of ours is currently on vacation there with his wife and baby son. His hometown is ... you guessed it, Baghdad! The epicentre of the all the fuss and fury. They had delayed their visit for several months for various reasons but he was now finally taking his little 10-month old son to meet his family for the first time and he was excited about that.

My Iraqi friend doesn't talk much about his homeland and what its like there except to say that he is eager to see the Americans leave. I once asked him about life in Iraq and his response was that, for the average citizen, things were really pretty good under Saddam "until we found out about all the torture and murder and stuff." He laments the current state of affairs in his homeland and looks forward to a day when he can take his young family and move back there ... not now. Not for the next 5 years at least.

As a Canadian, I am pretty comfortable in the knowledge that at pretty much any time I choose, I can go home. No problems, no worries, I will always have somewhere to go (insha'allah). But what does one do when they can't go home?

About that phone call this afternoon? He was informing our boss that he needs to extend his stay for a while longer as it seems his father has gone missing, possibly been kidnapped. They've checked the hospitals, police, army ... but no sign. Under any circumstances that would be worrisome but in a place like Baghdad ... well ... one can only hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

OH Penella, we are so lucky to be Canadians. Still loving your blogs, this one is particularly poignant (sp?). The poor guy and his family - I will say a prayer for them. Take care, Rhonda.

Anonymous said...

ps- you don't have to post my blog... I was just saying "hey" - miss ya! :o)

PennyZ said...

Hey Rhonda! Thanks for the comments! Hope all is well and miss you too.

Swami Dil said...

Rhonda has hit the nail! Many Canadians, in fact most westerners, do not know how lucky they are. They are not to blame, they just haven't seen different. You are one of the few who have ventured to the 'other' part of the world; one who can empathise with how people live, their hopes, their aspirations. And truly appreciate the freedoms we take for granted.
Perhaps you now also understand how I became a sceptic and hol(e)y Swami!!!