Here's a few photos, will post more and video (insha'allah) a bit later.
Photo credit: some of these are my own photos but the good photos are from Sweetie's camera.
J Paul Getty Museum. I enjoyed this a lot, not that I am a big "art" fan or anything but the architecture is amazing! Definitely worth the visit ... which, other than a $10 fee for parking, is free! Yes, FREE! Like, what in this world is ever free?! But indeed, this was.

Venice Beach in 60mph winds! One can really see how those California wild fires spread out of control!

Sweetie and his puppy at the start of our hike near Big Bear Lake. He is a recent convert to Starbucks.
The destination of the hike was an outcropping of rocks at about 7000 feet elevation (2300m). Yes, indeed I am wearing the absolute worst footwear for such an activity and yes, my feeties were a little cold by the time we finished the hike! But the view of the area was worth the effort.
This is me, slip-sliding down the mountain!!! Freddie: you would have been proud :-)
Thank Gawd we didn't see the creature that goes with this paw print! If I watched a few more episodes of "Man Tracker", I would probably know what it is, Sweetie says it is probably a wolf (on steroids me thinks!) In the wilderness, one does not have to run fast, one only needs to run faster than at least one other on the trail. For next time, note to self about the shoes, me thinks even Jazz, the 15-pound Pekingese would have out run me in my slippers!
A 15-hour flight home, one quick stop at the duty-free and that was the end of my holidays. Tomorrow will be the dreaded first day back after vacation combined with across the planet jet-lag -- should be interesting!
Next adventure in a little over a month when my friend will be visiting.
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