(Gotta love steady Eddie ... he calls 'em as he sees 'em!)Bush to speak to Calgary audience
Former U.S. president George W. Bush will give one of his first speeches since leaving office to a Calgary audience next month.
"It's our understanding it's one of the first -- if not the first -- times he'll speak since leaving office," said Geoff Pradella, vice-president of public and government affairs at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, which is partnering in the event.
Organizers Andy McCreath and Christian Darbyshire said Bush will speak to an anticipated audience of 1,500 at a private event on March 17 at the Telus Convention Centre. Darbyshire declined to give details on how much tickets will cost, what Bush will speak about or whether the former president is being paid for his appearance. The same organizers reportedly paid former U.S. president Bill Clinton $150,000 for a March 2006 speech in Edmonton, and have hired Lance Armstrong and Colin Powell for other high-profile speaking engagements in the past.
Invitations to the event say Bush will share his thoughts "on eight momentous years in the Oval Office. "The former president will also speak about "the challenges facing the world in the 21st century." The American Chamber of Commerce in Canada whose goal is to promote Canada/U.S trade is all for Bush's decision to speak in Calgary, says its executive director Norman Leach; "When George Bush speaks here and it is the first one on his speaking tour, people around the world are going to note that Calgary is in those leagues of the Londons and New Yorks and Paris'."Mount Royal College political scientist Duane Bratt predicts protests but also says there will be many willing to pay what are expected to be lofty ticket prices to hear Bush speak; "The draw that you get is the draw of the presidency, the draw of the office, I mean this is the guy who held the highest post in the world for eight years."
An appearance in Calgary is a good way for the former president to try "dipping his toe" in the public arena, said David Taras, a University of Calgary political science professor. "I think he's probably nervous about how he'll be received, and so Calgary's a safe place," he said, pointing out the city is very conservative and pro-American.... news of the appearance was given a muted response from Alberta's premier. When Ed Stelmach was asked in a news conference yesterday what he thought of the former president's visit to Alberta, he didn't exactly call out the Welcome Wagon for Bush. "He's a free man," said Stelmach. "He can travel to any country he wants."
The Toronto Star
Some reader comments from around cyberspace:
So, the war criminal president is speaking before a private audiance of supportive Canadians. The public is not invited. Sounds like the same stuff he was doing when he was pres. It just seems more pathetic now. He needs to watch out for being arrested for war crimes and having shoes thrown at him. That's quite a leader we just had.
Bush is not coming to Canada to address Canadians, we want no part of him. Bush is coming to downtown Calgary to address the executives of American Oil Companies that have co-opted Canada's petroleum reserves through the corruption and take-over of our democratically elected government.The streets will be lined with citizens holding shoes. (GWB should be so lucky to see citizens only holding their shoes, it's the flying ones he's gotta be worried about!)
Not doing themselves any favours: Albertans have a bit of a reputation as rednecks. Having Bush speak in Calgary isn't going to go very far in dispelling that myth.
1500 invited? Wow! That's 3000 shoes!
Now do I wear my Adidas or Nike shoes? My Sorel boots would hurt more, but they might be hard to throw.
Forget about wearing sneakers, wear ice skates instead.
The former president will also speak about "the challenges facing the world in the 21st century." Does this fool not realise that these "challenges" are the Bush legacy to the world. I hope nobody tells this clown that cowboy boots are the preferred choice of footwear in Calgary.
Why would any one pay to see a chimp trying to speak? C'mon Canadians! something little heavier than a leather shoe this time please..how about a steel toe boot?
Will the Comedy Channel care it?
LOL Bush is going to "speak"? Funny, he couln't speak for 8 years! He couldn't even put a sentence together with verbs, nouns, etc. Did he all of a sudden learn a new trick? 'Spot, roll over", "Fido: sit up". "Rover: fetch". You might know he was going to speak to an Oil company! Go figure! I'm like the others here! Lock the border! Don't let him back in! He committed "war" crimes. He committed crimes against this country! :(
... please don't call george bush a no good dog. It gives all dogs a bad name and the dogs certainly don't deserve to be lumped in the same category as little george.
Who gives a rats fat butt if the former president comes to Alberta or Canada for that matter. He clearly had nothing but distaine for our country when he was president. I think we shoud make him feel as welcome as he made Canada feel. Honestly, I coudnt imagine that there are 1500 people that hard up for something to do with their evening! Might I suggest dinner and a movie!
I'm not a fan of "W" but admit, I would go see him just out of curiosity, kinda like driving by a car crash. My invitation to the private event was probably lost in the mail though. As an aside, I saw the movie "W" a month ago, kind of a bizarre movie -- part docu-drama, part parody -- I suggest waiting until it comes out on DVD ... or the discount bins at Walmart.
I like president George W. Bush. A lot. Always have. In spite of what the press reports and the late night comedians portray, he is fundamentally a decent man. President Bush is far smarter, more articulate and less ideological than his plentiful detractors scream, and, ultimately, he will be judged by history - not by vengeful Democrats, hate-filled Hollywood, envy filled Canadians, corrupt foreign governments, an imploding mainstream media or fleeting approval ratings. Most Canadians and Americans pay closer attention to American Idol than to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Intelligent independent critical thinking is absent. When peace and prosperity come to the Middle East, and it will, the President Obama and the Democrats and left wing media will attempt to claim it as their success. But history will judge Bush according to his Bush Doctrine and will judge him kindly. He will receive the credit for that success, and will receive the Nobel Peace prize circa 2030.
As far as I am concerned, former President Bush is always welcome here in Canada.
I put these last two in here because they were the only pro-Bush comments I read. Perhaps there will only be 2,996 shoes thrown his way.
So Dubya will "share his thoughts on eight years in office" Did he have any?
Yup, apparently he did! Read on:
by George W Bush
I think we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertaintyand potential mental loses. Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?Will the highways of the internet become more few?
How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that the human being and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where ourwings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth Vulcanize society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!
(ha ha ... the spell/grammar checker had fun with that one!)
Maybe they ought to change the title of his debut speech as past-president. My suggestion: "Make the PILE higher."