"Up there where the grass grows lush and green"
Tomorrow will be 7 years since my Dad passed away. Hard to believe its been that long. He is still very much a part of our family through memories, photos, stories.
When my Mom visited Dubai, she said that she thought Dad would have loved Dubai. I kinda disagreed, I don't think he would have liked Dubai at all ... the traffic, the humidity, the unfamiliarity ... he was not a carefree, easy-going traveler as I recall from some of our family vacations as a kid. As we discussed it further, my Mom clarified her thought: Dad would be proud to see what each of us "girls" has accomplished career-wise, personally, independence, intelligence. He would be especially proud of his Grandchildren, we often lament that he is not here to see them grow and for them to know him personally. My nephew has definitely inherited "Grandpa Herb's" talent for inventing and building things!
Where ever he is, I hope he is watching and is indeed proud. Life is good for me and he is a big part of who I have become. For that I will always be grateful.
On this anniversary date, in his honour, I usually go to "coffee row" at Tim Hortons, wash my truck (which used to be his) and change my radio to the country music station. Since there's no TH's here (and Starbucks is not the same), my truck is back home (he is probably cringing that I now drive a Mitsubishi - blasphemy!) and country music is virtually non-existent here, I may have to change my tradition a little bit ... I wonder if I can find a Calgary Sun with some wuzzles???
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